I now have a ONE year old!!!
Holy schmoley! So so so crazy to even think that. I would have never imagined my life at 23 being a single parent to a beautiful one year old little girl...good thing God had a different plan for me! <3
Kitana's awesome.
She is seriously so so funny. She is beautiful. Has an AMAZING smile a freaking awesome personality! So so so so glad she picked me to be her mommy cause she makes me the happiest person ever.
In ONE year she has conquered a bunch of stuff already I can't wait to see how much she's gonna do in her life!
***These pictures are just from my phone, so the quality kind of sucks.***
Stuff 12 monthers do:
Favorite words are: mmpa and mmmama, dog, te-ta, NO, baby, zaiah, Brandon, Elmo, yummm, diaper, mom, and I'm sure there is more I can't think of.
Knows how to "talk on the phone." (holds the phone up to her ear.)
READS. Well not really but she does love books.
Does things she's asked to do...ex.) Kitana can you please bring mommy the remote and she does it!
Gets off of couches, beds..whatever on her own.
Still LOVES dancing.
Eats real people food all the time.
Walks on the bed but wishes it was the moon still.
Loves ELMO/Sesame Street and other YouTube Videos.
Sits in a big girl car seat!
Gives hugs and kisses.
Thinks she's a track star.
Has really small thighs. haha
Wears 12 month clothes, and size 3 shoes.
Loves getting her ears cleaned.
Tries to put her own clothes and shoes on.
Knows some of her body parts; eyes, ears, lips, cheeks, hair, pansa (Belly), feet, toesies, bootie bootie bootie...
Favorite book is The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Loves Auntie Ash! <3
Has still managed to keep my family and I wrapped around her chubby little finger.
On her actual Birthday, January 3rd, we had a great day. Hung out with Auntie Ash and Jordan. And celebrated his 6 month birthday too. Had a cake bash photo shoot. Picked up some Papa Murphy's and headed to my parents to spend the night with my family. They bought her an Elmo toy that laughs when he's tickled and finished the night watching TV. We are having a party on the 19th @ Campus Life. Rainbow (bright colors) and Elmo themed. Can't Wait!
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