Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dumb Knee

So, the other day I hurt my left knee. (I wasn't running or even exercising to say the least. lol) It was at Wal-Mart as Ash and I were shopping, my knee just gave out! It was so embarrassing that I had to stop. It felt like a cramp in the back of my knee and I could hardly walk.

It still hurts really bad but today I ran, well jogged on it. I'm trying to increase my pace and distance a little at a time and today I did 2 miles. Walked a warm up lap then jogged a mile and a half then finished with a cool down walking lap.

My starting weight is too embarrassing for me to say, but I am down 3 lbs from the day I started! That was really nice to see. I am striving for little goals with a bigger one in mind.

***Sorry for all these posts about eating and working out, but I'm trying really hard to be true to a new lifestyle...and this is nice to help me stay on top of it! :)

Lots and Lots of babies...

It sure looks like I'm a nanny of some sort when I agree to babysit a couple of boys along with having Kitana. Jordan is my regular little bratty boy that I take care of M-F, and this week, I agreed to watching my Pediatrician's little boy Joshua while she makes her rounds at the hospital. Holy MOOOOLLLLEEEYY!! I thought it was hard just adding Jordan and now Joshua too! Man Superwoman ain't got shiz on me! They are pretty funny when together though and Kitana just loves good company! :)

 These boys have funny, big, weird shaped heads right? haha!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


So this "cleanse" is pretty much just fasting because all you are aloud to eat or drink is the lemonade mix or water.
I can proudly say that I went one day without eating or drinking anything else. It was pretty tough but I did it! I think the hardest part was telling myself I wasn't hungry. But the weird thing is that I really wasn't "hungry" at all! I just wanted to eat food because it was there.
On the bright side, one closer day until Saturday...which is my goal for the cleanse.

Cute Little Bug.

My little diva girl is such a crazy kid with so much stinkin style! :) Here are some cute little pictures of my little lover bug!

She might be somewhat of a camera hog! :)

Master Cleanse + Salt Water Flush

Ash and I started this today! Holy cow! All I can say is good thing we have extra toilet paper! The "Master Cleanse is just 5 ingredients: water, lemons, un-iodized sea salt, 100% organic type B Maple Syrup, and cayenne pepper. I'm hoping this cleanse this will give me a little weight loss boost! We even did the Salt Water Flush. It's so so disgusting. You're supposed to mix warm water with the sea salt and drink up, but the only problem is drinking it and keeping it down! BLAH! I probably won't be doing this everyday.

 As you can see, lot's of lemons are needed!

 This will only last each of us one day! 
 The finished product! This is my second one of these for the goal is 3 per day. Maybe more, I guess, depending on how hungry I get.

The "Lemonade" as they call it, isn't that bad. It tastes like regular lemonade with just a little spice. I think that the hardest part is going to be not eating at all. I sure love my food and when I'm at my parents it's so much harder! They have such yummy food everywhere. So it looks like this week I won't be spending much time over there. Good thing I'm only doing this from Sunday to Saturday so that on Sunday (SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!) I can eat all the goodies I want...or at least try to.

On a side note: I've got 7 miles accounted for in three days!!!
1st day: 2.5 miles (walk/jog)
2nd day: 1.5 miles (walk/jog)
3rd day: 3 miles (walking)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Today...not tomorrow!

Along with all the others out there, I usually say, "tomorrow, I'll workout" or "tomorrow, I'll start eating better." But enough is enough I'm ready to take on a healthy new lifestyle TODAY!

My budget is a little tight right now to eat how I want to but a little progress at a time is okay with me. Eventually, I'll be eating, and more importantly, living healthy. I can't wait.

So today, I said, "I'm done being fat and lazy and I'm ready to be healthy and feel good again."

I went on a walk/jog and afterwards felt absolutely AMAZING! I ran a mile, walked a lap, then ran another mile and finished by walking another lap. Did it all in 32 minutes too! Not bad for an over weight lady who hasn't worked out in FOREVER. :)

After looking at pictures of myself from a few years back, I can't wait to look somewhat like that again. I know my body will never be as tight or firm as it was before but I'm sure gonna try my hardest to look and feel great again.

I do everything for my daughter. I want to be the best I can be for her, but this is something that I want for me. I want to prove it to myself that I can live better, look better, and feel better about myself. If I have to run by myself or wake up extra early to get a workout in I'm gonna do it. No more excuses. No more feeling sorry for myself. No more being a lazy ass. I promise that I will hold myself accountable and do whatever it takes to become a better me!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

They really do love each other!

When I babysit Jordan, Kitana just gets super excited to see him! When she finally woke up this morning, Jordan and I go into the room and she freaked out! She's yelling, "Baby! Baby! Baby Jordan!" Its so cute. I'll have to record it one of these days.

When we laid on the bed next to her she was smiling so big and just wanted to love on him.

Right now I will enjoy the time with my love bug and enjoy watching her play and love on her cousins...but when the time is right (hopefully in 5-10 years) I hope to have lots more babies so she can be the best big sister ever. :)