Monday, July 30, 2012

Kitana Bri<3

Some favorites as of late:

*Playing with your hair/face.
*Blowing spit bubbles.
*Waving bye with only a few fingers.
*Jumping like crazy in her jumper toy.
*Graham crackers.
*Sucking out of straw.
*Eating real people food.
*Sticking her tongue out.
*Sleeping! (This is a new thing) She actually takes long naps now.
*Pinching you with her toes.
*Still loves smiling! :)
*loves her toy I got at a yard sale and her baby boombox thing.
*Being a fish...either swimming or in the bath.
*Eating tomatoes out of grandpas garden.
*Rolling under my brown couch.
*Doggie kisses.
*looking at herself in the mirror.
*Laughing at herself for no reason.
*Saying "Te-ta" or "Mom."
*Making Dolphin noises.

(Eating a Grape Tomato)

(Giving Mr. Yogi Bear Kisses)

(Chewing the toys in her jumper thing)

(Under the Couch)

(This is the face she makes when she blows spit bubbles) HAHA It's hilarious!

(Just hangin out in the pool)

(Under the couch again.)

Seattle Trip

On Tuesday my dad, brothers, Kitana and I all left for Seattle. Kitana was really good. Surprisingly she decided to sleep almost the whole way. On the way up we stopped in Yakima for lunch. I woke Kitana up to change her diaper and something smelt a little stinky. I thought maybe just a fart. Nope, it was poop. So I checked and thought it was just a streak, which was why I was just gonna change her on my lap before we left. Well, its never that easy when it comes to changing Mrs. stinky pants. She always poops through her clothes and this was nothing else. She managed to poop through her outfit and my pillow case. Once she was all cleaned up we were back on our way.
The game started at 7:00pm and we got into Seattle right around we sat in traffic for over an hour to move 15 miles to Safeco field. We hadn't bought tickets yet so we hurried and paid for parking just a block away. Let me tell ya, that's a money maker right there. For "event parking" it ranges up to $50.00. Holy smokes!
We decided to buy cheap tickets in the outfield somewhere. I was totally ok with that. I would have sat up there and watched the game with Kitana but that's not what everyone else was gonna do so I changed my mind. I took her stroller to Customer Service and we walked the main level. After walking around we found a spot to stand just to the left of home plate. Kitana loved it. She loves people watching and seeing whats going on so that was perfect for her.
Isaiah, Kitana and I snuck in past the card checkers and sat in the seats at the very top. We sat there for the remainder of the game.
The biggest downfall of the day was that the Yankees lost the game...oh and not reserving a flipping hotel room. That's a whole other story there! I guess President Obama was somewhere in Seattle  during the time we were there and every freaking hotel was booked. We didn't find a hotel until 12:15. I was crabby, tired, and hungry and then once I saw the inside of the hotel I was scared. By far the worst hotel I've EVER stayed in. Never again will I go anywhere without a reservation. Good thing we only slept and showered there.
The next day, (Wednesday) we got up bright and early. After getting ready and hittin up McDonald's for breakfast we were off to Safeco Field to find some tickets. Dad splurged on us and got us some good seats! But before the game started they let fans go down and take pictures so that's what I did!
Both games were great games. Even though the Yankees lost on Tuesday they came back and won Wednesday. Kitana got a little certificate saying "My first time at a Mariner Game." And we got a chance to watch our favorite MLB team....
Got lots more pics to add later!

Awkward moments.

Normally I'm ok with making an awkward moment not so awkward, last night was another story. Kitana's dad wanted to see her before he left again for work so I took her over to his uncle Jason's. We were there for about 5 minutes before another car pulls up. It was Huston's, (Kitanas dad) girlfriend Stephanie. That was the first time I'd ever really seen her. I didn't want to be there in the first place and now this! Ugh! Now I'm annoyed. Good thing his family was keeping me involved in their conversion our else I probably would have lost it! She even had the nerve to talk to me. She asked about watermelon festival and I replied with a one word answer...I think she got the hint cause she didn't even look my way after that. The whole thing made me feel uncomfortable..especially when she held my baby girl! Haha the way I see it is...she can have him, and he can have her...and I get the only thing that matters. <3 kitana.

Sorry I had to rant a bit, but now I'm feeling a whole lot better!

PS she sounds like a man. Ok now I'm done. :)

Watermelon festival.

On Saturday, it was Irrigon's famous "watermelon festival." Not sure why I agreed to play in it but I did. Our slow pitch team was short a girl so I asked Ashley if she'd play and I was surprised she said YES! :) This was the first time we'd played together in years! I was super excited about it I even got us matching headbands and ribbon!

For an out-of-shape lady six games in one day was A LOT! Our first game starting at 7am and our last at 10pm. Good thing Ash stayed over the night before. Too bad we didn't get much sleep though due to kitana wanting to play! :) Its a good thing I love her so much or else I might have gone mad. Or maybe it was that she farted in Auntie Ash's face? Ha!

My parents went out there for our 5:30 game and stayed for our 7:00 one also. It was nice having some fans! But really I was more excited to see and hold my baby girl! I almost cried when I seen her thru the fence.

As the day drug on, the heat really took a toll on me. By the time our ten o clock game came I was more than happy to DH.

Overall the day was pretty good. Our team was so much fun. I was really surprised actually, especially since we pretty much just threw it together and never played with each other before. Too bad we couldn't win more. Ha ha..we ended the day 2-4. But we beat one of the best teams there! (P-town) A lot of trash talking was going on between our fans and their team and a fight almost broke out. Crazy damn people. I guess that's what happen when certain people drink though. Good thing I drank only a few beers early on in the day and sweated it out! Ha...

For my first ever watermelon festival, it was a pretty good experience softball wise but I totally forgot to walk down thru the park area where all the vendors and what not were at.

PS I still got it! ;) Not to toot my own horn but...TOOT TOOT! I made an ESPN dive in the outfield. It was legit!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Winner winner chicken dinner!

After the wedding my mom, grandma (Martha) and myself took a little trip down I-84 to Wildhorse. Let me tell ya what, I was feeling pretty lucky too! My game plan was to have fun and hopefully come back with money. I started out with only $60 so a pretty good starting point. My first two hands at Spanish 21, I matched and won both. I knew it'd be the start to a good night.

Family functions.

Yesterday was my cousin Daniel's wedding. Very simple, elegant, classy and beautiful. The bride (Jen) looked perfect. Her dress was absolutely beautiful! Like seriously so pretty! Something you would see in a flippin magazine, like it was made just for her.

 Minus the fact that the actual ceremony was right in the sun and I was burning up, their perfect day was just that...perfect.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Yard sale or Sh*T sale?

I love fridays! Not because its the start of a weekend or anything...I mean that's a plus. But really I love them cause I get to go yard selling! Today we found a few ok ones and a lot of drive bys. I hate those. I mean seriously though, who puts clothes out that's super faded, has holes in it, or is stained? Shit sales. That's what they are.Well I guess I probably would have fit in with those people today. Kitana spilt her bottle all over her car seat so I tossed it on the front seat while I changed her out of her wet clothes and when I'm all done I put her back in and get ready to go and find a huge puddle of milk all over my seat! Not a smart move on my part but whatever. So now I have this wet spot on my butt that probably looks like I peed myself but I was right in the middle of yard selling so I didn't let that stop me. Haha pretty classy I know. After a few hours of driving around wasting gas, we came home, showered, and are ready for a movie and a nap! :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bored bored bored

Normally I'm ok not doing anything.Hanging out being a bum is my usual. But today for some odd reason I was not. So we decided to go to the park for awhile.

Chubby bunny loves to eat...

So, I love that Kitana loves to eat. I mean she eats anything and everything she can.

(Top 2: Stole a peach from me and devoured it. Bot Left: Nummy Cookie. Bot Right: Otter pop)
But I hate when she wants to eat real people food and can't have it. The look on her face is so dang sad; mouth open, licking her lips, slobber literally dripping off of her chin. And what do I do? Take another bite. Haha I know such a "fat" thing to do. I just try and eat it faster so maybe she won't see me. But she does. Maybe if I just pretend that she doesn't I won't feel as bad? Maybe? But probably not.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today's the day!

Today is the day of my very first blog. I have been reading my best friends' blog and LOVE it. She's been telling me to start my own and I finally listened. I absolutely love reading about her life, family, and especially her little girl Lynnea.
Lynnea and Kitana
(They are best friends)