Today at approx 1:40 pm I received this message:
Free USC Msg: You've used 100% of your Data Plan. Your bill cycle ends 02/07. Visit for more info on this msg. Thanks
Uhh... What the heck! Haha I could have sworn we had unlimited, guess not. I called my dad and told him and he was confused too. After figuring out the numbers, I guess dad and mom combined don't even use 1 gig, Brandon uses a little over 1, and I use about 5! Haha I about died laughing when my dad told me this. How does this even happen?
Well..I'm a genius (not really) and figured out that I can stop my apps when they aren't being used, therefore, saving me lots of data. Meh, I hope so anyways, cause dad said I'll have to pay all the added fees and this broke lady has enough money problems as is. Ha
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