Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gender Reveal Party.

Saturday, I got the chance to attend and be a part of a "gender reveal party." (It's a party telling everyone what they are having, boy or girl.) It was so much fun! They had it at this really cute little wine place in Richland, called Casa Vino?? Or something like that? As we got there we voted on what we thought the baby was. I voted girl! I just had a feeling I guess? And after we awaited a balloon release, my vote was correct! <3 She's having a girl!!!!! I am beyond excited for her to become a new mom and get to experience all that being a mom has to offer; the late night feedings, the poopy diapers, the crying...the moment you see your child and really know what love is, the feeling you get when they smile at you, and everything else having a child can give you. I know she is going to be a great mom!!!! And that baby is going to be spoiled rotton :) and probably be the best dressed kid I know! Once again I am soooo excited for her and this awesome experience that she gets to go through! Yay for more babies!

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