Kitana has hit her 11 month mark as of December 3rd. So crazy to think that she's gonna be one in less than a month now! I need to start planning her 1st birthday party but I've been lazy. I should really get on that asap! Here she is on her 11 month birthday:
Pretty cheesy kid I have here! <3
She loves playing with the big kids. The top pic is with the little boy I babysit every now and then. Bottom is with cousin Giselle at Grandma Maria's watching the train go around and around. Pretty cute kids.
Ugh. She kinda looks like Isaiah in these. Poor Girl.
It's so crazy that she loves him so much. My cousin Pito is like one of her faves. Crazy kid.
Like I said, this year has flown by. A lot has happened and sometimes I feel like I'm getting passed by. :(11 month awesome stuff she does:
*Plays with the big kids.
*Gives kisses to everybody lol
*Waves hi and bye
*Has a major attitude
*Eats just about anything
*Talks some more.
*Loves to dance
*Her favorite song is "Gangnam Style."
*Shares her food with the dogs
*Loves Top Ramen
*Still LOVES Popsicles
*"Baby" is one of her favorite words
*Thinks she's a BA cause she's mobile on two feet. :)
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