Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Early Christmas Present.

Today, my little cousin Chloe came over to play with me and the babies. She loves coming over and eating my snacks, playing with Kitana and doing little girl stuff. She's such a girly girl. It's so cute.

Anyways, she loves coming over then she leaves back home then back over and so on...

After I put the babies down for a nap, I hurried into the bathroom to pee. I peed, wiped, and as I'm getting dressed I casually looked into the toilet and what did I see?

Well, there was a MASSIVE I mean MASSIVE freaking turd. I was so confused. Did I just poop and not even know it>???UHHH Nope!

I thought again...ah hah! It was just Chloe leaving me an early Christmas Present I guess???

HAHA! Thanks so much Chloe! :)

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