Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our best friends came down!!!!

I was so so so excited when I found out that Lisha and her family were coming to Oregon! More excited to play with Lynnea! :) I love not doing anything with my best friend. Everything feels "right." Like seriously, we usually just sit around and be bums. She has an excuse at lease, being pregnant. But it was fun and so nice to see them.

We went to the casino while she was down! That's a must EVERYTIME! We always save a little time to go to El Loco Caballo. :) Too bad we came back losers.

I got to babysit the next night, Friday maybe? While they went again. I loved it. Got to spend some much needed time with Lynnea and Kitana! Seeing them together makes my little heart melt. I loved ever minute of it. Even when Lynnea scared the crap out of me and got out of the crib. (Didn't know I was hanging out with a ninja baby.)

So here are some pics of them just hanging out being best friends. 

See this is how you get your toe jam...

 Did I mention she's a pretty awesome crazy monkey???

Just lovin' life...
 Yes, our kids have awesome hair!!! <3

 She wasn't sure why I was trying to sneak into the pics with her.

 I sure do love these girls...

 Aren't they precious>>>??? Seriously though, they are the cutest kids in the world. I can't wait to see the new baby! 

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