Monday, October 21, 2013

Tia Caro

So, Kitana loves my Tia Caro...but, for the longest time, she didn't really know her name. Today, was my cousin Taylors birthday and they had pizza at YOPS.
I told Kitana to say hi to Tia Caro...she says, "hi AVOCADO!" :) And for the ready of the night, my Tias name is AVOCADO!!!!!

Hilarious! :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

SOOOOO sore!

My body hates me. I feel like I got ran over. I don't remember feeling like after playing softball, which means I'm getting old.

This past weekend, Kitana hung out withgrandma and grandpa, and uncle Brandon and Isaiah while I played in the last slow pitch tourney of the year.

This tournament is a benefit tourney for  a little there are different rules and stuff to try to make it more fun. You can"buy back"an out for 10 bucks. For example, someone hits into a dbl play with based loaded, I can pay ten dollars for a redo. And that person would get another at bat. Its fun, minus it got a little outta control. People don't really follow rules and then the whole game gets out of hand.

We went 2-2 the first day (Saturday) then lost our first game on Sunday, which put us out of the tournament. Over all, it was okay, but now I'm SUPER SUPER sore and can barely move. Plus I'm starting to workout again today,so that should be fun...not!

Here's just a couple pics from the weekend...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

MY this, MY that!!!

Kitana is in her "MY" or "MINE" Phase! Holy cow. I don't know what to do with her sometimes. I feel like she's trying to pick a fight with anyone and everyone. Here's just a few examples...

My Aunt Diana comes over everyday at lunch to see Jordan, and as soon as she walks through the door, Kitana yells, "My Jordan!"

When I put them down for a nap, Jordan uses one of her blankies. (She seriously has a million of them and uses about 3 of them for her.) But, when I grab one for Jordan, she has to let us know that its hers. "My blanket mommy!" ..Today was kind of funny though, instead of saying her usual...she said, "This is Kitanas blanket." Haha 3rd person!

God forbid Jordan grabs a toy, when she's in her "my phase" or else she snags it right out of his hands!

She even argues about all her family members. Everyone is hers! My Kisha Lee, My Mommy, My Ashey, My Uncle Brandon, My Isaiah, My Gram Mia...MINE MINE MINE!

***According to her, everything is HERS! I've talked to her a few times about it, tried getting her into trouble and sat her down by herself, told her about sharing...blah blah blah. I'm not real sure what to do about it? I'm hoping it's just a phase that she's going through cause holy cow, it is seriously driving me crazy! And to make things better...Jordan is learning this nasty little habit from her!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bag of candy corn.

So, I'm starting to workout again later today...but I've almost snacked on a whole bag of candy corn. Haha pure irony. :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Kitana thought we were going outside to play earlier, so she went and got ready...

This was her outfit.

T-shirt, chonis, and her rain boots. (That are on backwards)

Ha love this girl.

Our conversation.

This was our conversation today around noon...

Kitana: Mommy, I go pee.
Me: Okay, hurry! Hurry! (running to the bathroom)
Kitana: Woo-hoo! I go pee mommy.
Me: Good job! All done?
Kitana: No.
Me: Gotta go poop?
Kitana: Yeah, I go poop...
(5 mon later)
Me: All done?
Kitana: Yeah, I take a dumpskis.
Me: **laughing
Kitana: Bye-bye turd-bomb!

Oh, the wonderful things this child learns from her grandpa and uncles. :)