Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Warning: Cuteness Alert! :) ...and Lots of Pictures.

I've been such a bloggin slacker, so I'm just gonna add some pics of what Miss Kitana has been up to lately.
It's never too early to start right?

 She's got her little stance down already and she's only 1.

 Just hanging out at the park.

 She says, "Rabbeet" it's the cutest thing ever.

 Model much?

 Happy Cinco de Mayo! LOL!!!

 This girl would live at the park if she could!

 Found these little booty shorts at Wal Mart! Hilarious.

 Seriously so pretty.

 I think she looks sooo much like me in these. :)

 My little love bug still has chunky legs. Poor girl got her mommy's lower half. ha

 Just busy being cool. NBD

 Readin on the toilet. :)  Big girl status!


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