Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pretty toes!

Kitana loves getting her toes painted! If she finds a polish lying around she'll bring it to me while saying "toe nails."  Its cute! I finally decided to paint her fingers too...and don't worry about the paint all over her toes, it comes off in the bath. :)

Mothers Day Weekend!

So the weekend started off with a bang! Friday, I didn't have to babysit Jordan so that was a nice little break. But then I got a call asking if I would babysit Eli and Ella (my cousin Tony's 2 youngest) while they did some last minute shopping for the birthday party they were having on Saturday. After they left, I had to get my tire fixed. Boo to flat tires! And thank goodness for awesome brothers who take off my tire in the blazing heat!

After the looooooooonnnnggg day with the kids and dumb tire problems I decided to consume WAAAAAYYYY to much alcohol. Haha! It was fun at the time.

Saturday, I woke up feeling pretty nasty from the fun night before. I sure can't hang like I used to! After feeling sick all day I remembered I had made appointments for my mom and I to get pedis. After a quick shower, I was out the door feeling much better. Pedis were nice! Except they thought my mom and I were sisters? Wtf! Then afterwards, we went the bbq/party. Kitana played on the bouncy house and loved it! The good was SOOOOO good! I seriously think the reason my family is fat is cause we cook so damn good! :) It makes sense to me.

Sunday, my dad offered to take us to breakfast. Thank you dad! Then I hung out with my brothers and little miss Kitana all day! :) I love those days...which is everyday! But today, she actually listened. All day! Aaannndd, she even wanted to take a nap with me! She never does that. She let me hold her and fell asleep in my arms. Her present to me.<3 We had dinner with my uncle Lupio and his family. Yumm! More delicious food! Rice, potato salad and chicken mole!

I am so blessed to have a mom like mine. She is one super special lady who can always put a smile on my face. I've never really known how much she loves me and my brothers until I had Kitana. She gives way more then she takes, she's beautiful, smart, caring, loving, funny, awesome, and one of my best friends! I hope and I pray that I am as good of a mom as she is. Thank you mommy for being you!

It was such a nice weekend and I'm grateful for my time spent with my family and friends, and SOOOOO thankful that God gave me the biggest blessing of becoming a mom. Kitana is my everything and I couldn't imagine my life without her. <3

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fun in the sun!

First time in the new baby pool was yesterday! They had so much fun! With the weather being super nice lately, it was time! Jordan was a little skeptical at first but then fell in love with it! Kitana just thought it was cool that she could get in and out by herself. If the weather is nice tomorrow, maybe we'll head to the spray park for its opening day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Warning: Cuteness Alert! :) ...and Lots of Pictures.

I've been such a bloggin slacker, so I'm just gonna add some pics of what Miss Kitana has been up to lately.
It's never too early to start right?

 She's got her little stance down already and she's only 1.

 Just hanging out at the park.

 She says, "Rabbeet" it's the cutest thing ever.

 Model much?

 Happy Cinco de Mayo! LOL!!!

 This girl would live at the park if she could!

 Found these little booty shorts at Wal Mart! Hilarious.

 Seriously so pretty.

 I think she looks sooo much like me in these. :)

 My little love bug still has chunky legs. Poor girl got her mommy's lower half. ha

 Just busy being cool. NBD

 Readin on the toilet. :)  Big girl status!