Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I have the smartest child alive.

Just gonna toot Kitanas horn for a bit...

She is seriously so damn smart. I can't believe how smart she is, or what she does or says.

She's been potty trained for awhile now. (like no more accidents) :) Woop Woop!

She speaks in sentences!

She knows like a million different words.

She knows everybodys name..even if she's only met you like once.

She knows how to work electronics.

She loves books/reading.

And does SOOOOO much more I can't remember...

Its nuts! I can't even believe it myself sometimes but she is seriously crazy smart...and what's crazy is that she's not even two yet!!!  What the heck!? I know I'm biased and see her through mothers eyes, but not only is she a beautiful little girl, but she is super funny, has a crazy big personality and is way smart. I am proud to call her my baby that's for sure. <3

Just being a mexi fry :)

I've been feeling real real Mexican lately. This past weekend, we went over to my grandma Maria's and made a whole bunch of homemade salsas. Seriously, so freaking good.

Then I decided to bust out my chef skills and make some enchiladas suizas, rice and beans.

I'm not sure why I've felt so Mexican lately but I'm loving it :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Kitana being funny again

This girl is hilarious! And lately, she's been super funny! For example, she thinks is funny to shorten everybodys name. Isaiah is now Isai, Brandon is now Bran, grandma Dee is now "Gram" and her name is no longer Kitana...just Kitannnn. (with emphasis on the "n") 

She also has been singing a lot lately. So damn cute. She has the funniest little voice and loves gone gone gone by Phillip Philips. Its her fave. She says, "for youuu, for youuuuu" :) seriously, its so freaking cute!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Lots of pictures.

This has been our summer: fair, riding a pony, being a diva, softball trips, hanging out, swimming, being bums, family, friends (seeing my best friend and her babies), bbq's, family reunions, wedding, getting potty trained, and doing a whole Lotta nothing :) ...Wouldn't trade it. <3

I hate my uterus.

I'm so over periods, and all that come with them. Body aches, headaches, puking, cramps, bloating, bleeding,...blah, blah, blah. Please go away already!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I've been up since 5.

I couldn't fall asleep til after 1, woke up at 5 to a peed baby. (3rd one since potty training)...and I'm still awake. Today is going to be hell. If anyone has any extra patience, please send it my way. Thanks.