Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sick Baby

Kitana has been sick a lot lately and it's just breaking my heart...
I guess it all started when she got the flu shot. That was the first thing...then came fever. Which is normal after her getting any shots so I didn't really freak out.
But that wasn't all, she THEN had the craps. I mean so so so bad. In 2 days I went through over 40 diapers.
But guess what? That wasn't it either. Next came the worst diaper rash ever. I felt terrible. Seeing her in that pain was the worst.
Her rash is now almost gone but she's not 100% yet. I just want my healthy-never-get- sick baby back already! Please and Thank You!

@ Chens/Home Depot

A little conceited girl who lilkes
to look at herself.

She may be a sumo wrestler. :)
The giant bear is Theodore. He's her favorite.

Eating lolipops with Aunt Ash.

@ her friend Itzel's birthday/baptism party.

 Still just looking at herself. haha!

 Funny Faces.

 PS For being sick she is still camera ready at all times! :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Life as of late.

Lately, we haven't been doing too much, just hangin around with my family and school and the casino. Kitana got her first fever and is getting some more teeth, which means krabby pants is back! Probably doesn't help that she it kinda sick too. :( Poor baby. Boogies, and a cough that's in her chest.

I'm going to Wild Horse every Saturday this month! My name is in a drawing for cash give-aways and the grand prize is a Jeep! I'm hoping I win the Jeep!!! Cause then I can take the cash for it. After taxes its like $20,000. My bank account could sure use that right now!

I still don't know what I want to dress Kitana up for Halloween yet??? Good thing I got a few more weeks. I want her to be super cute. But I dunno? I have LOTS of maybes so who knows!

Kitana loves playing with Isaiah and cuddling with Brandon and still loves Ash...I guess I can't forget her grandparents... She loves these people so so much! And everyone else she sees. Babies are her favorite. She wants to give them all kisses. And she waves at anyone and everyone. Shopping at Wal-Mart is the worst.

Here's a bunch of pictures of us..well her. :)

 Small thighs.

 She loves showing off her teeth.
 Funny faces at Denny's.

 This is what she looks like with a fever. Silly girl.

 Hangin' out with uncle Brandon.

 MMmm Toesis.

Life is pretty good right now though. No complaints over here that's for sure! School is good, Kitana is good, life is good! :)

Funny Videos

BIG booty girl
Craziness before bed!

Playing with uncle Isaiah! <3

Big booty girl is my favorite! :) haha so funny!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

9 monther

Another month down! :) This year is zoomin! And that's cause I always feel that once October is here the rest of the year just passes by. Well, like I said baby girl is 9 months today. She is quite the character now.

Her life as of late:
* Laughs at herself
* Has 2 teeth
* Stands holding onto things then lets go to test herself
* Loves tortillas (haha she is a little mexi fry)
* Knows what "no" means and just gives an innocent face when she's doing something wrong
* Her feet are just in a size 2. They are so small compared to her booty and her legs. :)
* Loves the dogs. It's so funny to watch her pet yogi. She tries to do it soft but its not. And he just lets her. And she throws the ball at Bella.
* It sounds like she says BALL, BELLA, ISAIAH, MOM, MMPA AND MMMA (g-pa/g-ma), DOG...I know I probably just hear things but she says the same sound for the same thing over and over.
* Yells just to hear her voice. Her and I have yelling compititions.
* Throws little tantrums.
* Wears all sizes. Depending on the from 0-3 months to 12 months. It's crazy.
* HATES shoes and socks.
* Loves picking at little things.
* Loves waking up to Auntie Ash with a huge smile on her face, or the occational tongue.
* Sleep is her new favorite thing to do. If she doesn't take a 1 1/2 hr nap or longer she is SOOOO moody.
* Wants to be a big girl already. If she can't reach something or do it yet she freaks out!
* Hates her diaper changed or getting dressed (unless its right after her bath!)
* Still a diva!
* Gonna be a dancer girl.
* Still has mommy (and everyone else)  wrapped around her little chubby finger! <3

I love seeing her grow. Watching her sleep, eat, play and learn keeps my little heart filled with so much love. Being a mommy to this beautiful little girl is by far my greatest accomplishment in life. Can't believe that in 3 short months she will be a whole year old!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So lately I've been on this "inventing whatever sounds good" kick. A few weeks ago I busted out some delicious potato bacon soup. It was like a loaded baked potato rolled into every delicious bite! SO SO SO GOOD!

Yesterday, I was in the mood for some boneless chicken wings. So i made some! :)  Out of scratch I might add, and with no recipe! They were so dang good. I know I keep tooting my own horn, but seriously I should probably be a chef. Here's proof:

(Looks restaurant quality huh!)

PS I bought a crock pot at Goodwill and yet to try it out yet. Maybe my next creation will be a soup or stew? I mean it is October...that means FALL...and that means time for SOUP! Lots and lots of soup.