Monday, August 6, 2012

Yvette's baby shower.

After 3 little girls, it was time for a boy! :) hopefully he, is still a he or else she's gonna have a lot of returns.

Baby showers are so fun! I love them. Games, food, prizes the norm. Love it all. Pinterest had me a little more excited for this one though. I decided to try a few things you can be the judge.


Mom and I messed with the diapers the night before and just put the finishing touches the day of and dad helped us with all the fruit. Pretty simple though.

We had a good time there minus the heat! It was super hot and sweaty and stinky! Yvette was very grateful for all that she got.

Can't wait to see my new baby cousin! :)

Had to put a couple pics of baby girl at the baby shower too!

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