Monday, August 6, 2012

Periods. Not the punctuation.

So if the title doesn't say enough about this post then here goes:

I haven't had a "real" period in awhile. When I was pregnant I didn't bleed at all. Not even any spotting. Then I had kitana and all the blood build up for 9 months comes out..blah blah blah.

At my 6 week check up I got the implanon birth control put into my arm and haven't had a real period since. Its crazy! I get all the symptoms of my "old period"headaches, nausea, feel extremely weak and sick, chocolate and sweets cravings but no blood. Its so crazy to me.

Well, what seems like forever ago has finally made a return. Aaaannnddd let me tell ya what. Its weird! Not gonna lie, I'm a little scared to put a tamp up there. Good thing its super light! Just panty liners for this lady. Hopefully this doesn't last long cause I'm so ready to be back to normal.

Yvette's baby shower.

After 3 little girls, it was time for a boy! :) hopefully he, is still a he or else she's gonna have a lot of returns.

Baby showers are so fun! I love them. Games, food, prizes the norm. Love it all. Pinterest had me a little more excited for this one though. I decided to try a few things you can be the judge.


Mom and I messed with the diapers the night before and just put the finishing touches the day of and dad helped us with all the fruit. Pretty simple though.

We had a good time there minus the heat! It was super hot and sweaty and stinky! Yvette was very grateful for all that she got.

Can't wait to see my new baby cousin! :)

Had to put a couple pics of baby girl at the baby shower too!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Kitana is 7 months!

Baby girl is officially 7 whole months!

I honestly can't believe how fast time flies. I know people say that all the time but its so true. My baby girl can't be 7 months already. :( she's getting so big! Sits up (been doing this for awhile), eats real people food, almost crawling, waves hi and bye, says "mom" and "te-ta", drinks out of a straw..and lots of other stuff that I'll remember later.

Today was nice. I woke up before she did and had a cup of coffee. When I went to check in on her, this is how she was sleeping:

Pretty cute, I know!

We hung out for awhile before she had a bath! Got Her looking all cute like a little chubby ballerina.

Picked up mom from work before noon then headed to Stanfield. She loves my family so much its crazy. Like as soon as she sees our hears them she gets this huge smile and kicks her legs like she's spasming cause she can't contain her excitement!

Took some 7 month pictures at my parents house but she was moving too much to get any real good ones.

 I thought we'd go for a drive and find a park somewhere. Before I knew it I was in Echo. I got my camera out and a blankie so she could sit on then I started undoing her straps of her car seat. Soon as I got her out I knew it. Not sure why I think I can go places without my chubby girl crappin her pants. Pooped right thru her cute little outfit!!!
I didn't even change her. (I know, bad mom) but I knew it'd be so much easier at home. So we headed back to mom and dads and got her all cleaned up. But before we did I finally got some evidence of what she does when we go out in public! Poops thru EVERYTHING!

Took more pictures. Hung out, played Yahtzee while passing the good luck charm around the table. And now, gonna sleep over! We always sleep over! That's what's nice about living 5 miles away. We come and go whenever we feel like it.

(I know she's my kid, but she has the cutest smile EVER!)

I feel blessed that Kitana and I have such amazing family and friends! Thanks mom and dad and brothers and best friends...for making her 7 months of life absolutely amazing. We both love you all and know deep down somewhere you guys love us too! :)

(What's not to love right?)



Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Last night, Kitana had her first official Chens experience. She had some egg flower soup, sweet and sour sauce, and a little bit of rice. She absolutely LOVED it. But what doesn't she love. Anything that goes to her mouth she'll eat. :)

I sure love my chunky girl!