So if the title doesn't say enough about this post then here goes:
I haven't had a "real" period in awhile. When I was pregnant I didn't bleed at all. Not even any spotting. Then I had kitana and all the blood build up for 9 months comes out..blah blah blah.
At my 6 week check up I got the implanon birth control put into my arm and haven't had a real period since. Its crazy! I get all the symptoms of my "old period"headaches, nausea, feel extremely weak and sick, chocolate and sweets cravings but no blood. Its so crazy to me.
Well, what seems like forever ago has finally made a return. Aaaannnddd let me tell ya what. Its weird! Not gonna lie, I'm a little scared to put a tamp up there. Good thing its super light! Just panty liners for this lady. Hopefully this doesn't last long cause I'm so ready to be back to normal.